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Simple explanation about quantum computer

13 Jul, 2023 jahidh
Quantum computer reference thumbnail by jahidh

Quantum computer is just replacement of transistors which was built by semiconductors. But just for this, there have comes lots of things. and it's a new revolution of computing maths. Everything we are seeing in this digital screen, is just for some mathematics and how we implemented it to show like this. and yes, without math and logic behind those maths, our computer is simply unimaginable. 

Quantum computer open us a new possibility to see the world way faster than now. Our current general computer (Processor) works using transistor and transistors works in a sequence and once at a time. and the value only could be 1 or 0. It's more like, you've 10 sticks and if you want to perform what is 3 + 4 then you would need to add one by one stick after 3; and 4 times (But in semiconductor the addition doesn't work exactly like this, it's just an example of sequence). and you will get the result 7. But in Quantum computer, you can do this just in a single time. And the value is not limited to 1 or 0 at a time. it could be any of them at a time. If you want to understand more deeply, then you would need to know about quantum physics and atomic and their energy behavior in smallest scale.

If I want to talk about speed, then an example is, in 2019, Google claimed that its quantum processor Sycamore performed a task in 200 seconds that would take a state-of-the-art supercomputer 10,000 years.

If you don't know about transistors or semiconductors, then transistors are nothing but switches. and which can change their states automatically.

Our todays Quantum computer is more like 40's ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer). But hopefully one day it will be a small device such as our mobile or computer devices. and currently for perform this Quantum computer, needs very cold temperature.

That's the easiest explanation from me. And it's from combined knowledge of my EEE, Math, Physics, Chemistry and Programming.

It is an old post from my LinkedIn profile written by me. And the reason I wrote it, I was watching some random videos. and found a line, "If the physics says it's allowed, the engineers will find a way".
Line said by "Olivia Lanes", Researcher at IBM.
Line taken from - "Cleo Abram" YouTube Video


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